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Second Cycle Degree in Geoengineering

What We Study

What You Learn


In the Second Cycle Degree Course in Geoengineering you will be trained in an interdisciplinary environment, learning how to analyze and manage complex environmental conditions, geo-hydrological processes and problems.

As a Geoengineering student, you will develop in-depth scientific knowledge and technical skills to design, plan, and manage complex and innovative systems, processes and services on a territorial scale. Methods and techniques for territorial investigation, environmental monitoring, analysis and data integration at different territorial scales will be key intermediate learning goals. The teaching programme provides fundamental tools for quantitative analysis of engineering systems in the context of geological processes, their time evolution and their modeling, especially for application purposes, prevention, protection of society and environment from hydro geological risk.


What You Will Do


With the degree in Geoengineering you will be a top-skills expert in the prevention, mitigation and management of geo-hydrological hazards and risks, with particular reference to floods, landslides, subsidence, sinkhole and earthquakes. Due to the interdisciplinary and international character of the study course, the Geoengineer graduated in Florence will be in demand for both enterprises and public agencies operating across a wide range of engineering fields, from hydraulics to geotechnics and applied geology.


last update: 17-Feb-2023
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