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Second Cycle Degree in Geoengineering
Home page > Course Offering > Traineeship and Final Examination

Traineeship and Final Examination

In order to be admitted to the final exam, students must have obtained all the ECTS included in their study plan and foreseen by the official Educational Rules of the degree course.

3 ECTS of stage and traineeship must be officially activated through the stage office of the School of Engineering or with the help of the professors in charge of the organization in order to access the final exam.


The student manages the preparation and discussion of the final thesis under the supervision of two university professors, and a tutor from the company/agency or laboratory where the traineeship was activated.

Students working on the final thesis should apply advanced methodologies linked to research and technological innovation activities in specific sectors, in accordance with the learning objects of the degree course. Thus, the student can achieve knowledge and autonomous judgement competences in specific sectors, under the coordination of his/her supervisors.

The final thesis must be written in English and the defence will be performed in English.

A final exam is mandatory to achieve the second cycle degree


last update: 17-Feb-2023
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